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Deep Muscle Therapy
The purposes of Deep Muscle Therapy to locate tight muscles that may be keeping a bone out of place and treat the area so the spasm or contraction is released. Before treatment, this can be seen as a gross deformity in the structure of the muscle and be observed by the naked eye as imbalance in leg length, a twisting of the rib cage, uneven balance of the shoulders, a tilted head, hunched shoulders and more.
Deep Muscle Therapy works very well in tandem with various medical, nutritional chiropractic and homeopathic treatments, allowing for rapid healing of chronic disorders and acute injuries. Deep Muscle Therapy is a tremendous benefit to our patients. We are witnessing longer-lasting recoveries from herniated, ruptured and degenerated discs than we have ever seen before.
Incorrect muscle patterns developed in the body as a solution to a problem in the spine can be corrected with Deep Muscle Therapy, as neither the muscle nor bones return to the incorrect position after treatment. We have also discovered that increases in pain relief from muscle tears caused by sports injuries or car accidents are alleviated.
It makes the VAX-D procedure more effective and easier to receive.